There are plenty of bars and pubs in Northumberland where you can enjoy a glass of wine.There are plenty of bars and pubs in Northumberland where you can enjoy a glass of wine.
There are plenty of bars and pubs in Northumberland where you can enjoy a glass of wine.

19 Northumberland bars which are great for a glass of wine, according to Google

A recent survey revealed wine is consumed by 61 per cent of UK adults on a regular basis.

A third say wine is their alcoholic tipple of choice, and sales have boomed since the radical and enforced changes in lifestyle brought on by the Covid era.

But now that coronavirus restrictions are – thankfully – a thing of the past, we thought it would be worth researching which venues in Northumberland have received a thumbs-up from members of the public.

Here are 19 which all have four-star ratings or higher on Google:

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