Light aircraft ditches in Northumberland field following suspected engine failure

A light aircraft crashed into a field near Felton. Picture: Alex SummerlyA light aircraft crashed into a field near Felton. Picture: Alex Summerly
A light aircraft crashed into a field near Felton. Picture: Alex Summerly
A light aircraft has ditched in a Northumberland field after suffering suspected engine failure.

The pilot, the only person on board, escaped uninjured.

The incident happened around midday today (Tuesday, September 28) near Felton.

A spokesperson from nearby Eshott Airfield said: “It was a privately owned aircraft based at Eshott.

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"We don’t fully know what happened yet but it was forced to land, we assume with engine failure. No-one was injured.”

Emergency services, including the police, fire service and ambulance service attended, along with Eshott Airfield staff.

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “Shortly before midday today we received a report that a light aircraft had been forced to make an emergency landing in a field near Felton, Northumberland.

“Thankfully the pilot did not suffer any serious injuries. Nobody else was injured.”

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A North East Ambulance Service spokesperson added: “We were called to land on the edge of Felton at 11.54am today to concerns for a patient who had been involved in an incident involving a light aircraft. We dispatched one ambulance crew, who assessed the patient on scene, but they didn't require hospital treatment.

Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service was alerted due to the nature of the incident but no action was required.

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