SHAK makes appeal for dog-food donations

SHAK dog Duke loves his Chappie food.SHAK dog Duke loves his Chappie food.
SHAK dog Duke loves his Chappie food.
The next instalment of our weekly series dedicated to Alnwick-based dog sanctuary SHAK.

SHAK is making an appeal for food donations, to help it feed the dogs in its care who require special diets.

Due to the nature of some of the animals’ conditions, the charity needs to build up its stocks of specific meal-time treats.

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Supporters of the charity gave generously at Christmas time, donating various items for the menu, but now the reserves are running low and SHAK is once again calling for people’s help.

SHAK founder Stephen Wylie said: “It seems like an eternity since all the very generous donations arrived at Christmas and as the winter just seems to be never-ending, the cupboards are beginning to get bare with certain items.

“Due to various things such as skin conditions and sensitive stomachs, we have some dogs that are on specific foods.

“Due to people’s enormous generosity, we have a great supply of regular dog food, but we are getting short of Chappie, both tinned and dry food; hypoallergenic dry food; and fish-based food (salmon and potato).

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Food can be donated at our various drop-off spots, including Sainsbury’s and Pets at Home in Alnwick; Pets at Home, Cramlington; Moorview Vets; and the bin at SHAK HQ in Greenwell Road, Alnwick. Thank you so much in advance.”

SHAK was founded more than a decade ago and has helped hundreds of dogs during that time.

As well as its HQ in Alnwick, the charity has kennels in a rural location outside the town.

SHAK’s dedicated team cares for about 70 dogs. For more information about SHAK, visit or the SHAK Facebook page.

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